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- <text>
- <title>
- Kozyrev Interviewed on Elections, Zhirinovskiy
- </title>
- <article>
- <hdr>
- Foreign Broadcast Information Service, December 16, 1993
- Kozyrev Interviewed on Elections, Zhirinovskiy
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p> [Interview with Foreign Minister Andrey Kozyrev by
- unidentified correspondent; place and date not given--recorded]
- </p>
- <p> [Correspondent] Andrey Vladimirovich, so far the reaction
- of the world community to the results, the preliminary results,
- of the elections and the constitutional referendum in Russia has
- been very restrained. Nonetheless, fears are already being
- voiced that our foreign policy guidelines may yet alter in some
- way in connection with the victory of the opposition. How
- justified are these fears?
- </p>
- <p> [Kozyrev] I would here welcome this restrained reaction
- because we are talking about a purely internal matter of ours.
- At the same time this reaction is, on the whole, a positive
- reaction. As usual, our foreign partners show interest not in a
- precise distribution of seats among parties and in what sort of
- parties these will be, for this is our own affair, but in
- Russia's advance along the democratic path, the safeguarding of
- human rights, let us say. This is a matter of concern for us in
- other countries and these are the issues we always discuss with
- our foreign partners, not just as applicable to Russia, but as
- applicable to what is taking place in the relevant states.
- </p>
- <p> As for foreign reaction, the issue which happens to be the
- main issue for us, too, is singled out: The constitution has
- been adopted. It is, in fact, the Yeltsin constitution and
- everyone understands that. The president has taken the
- initiative and played the leading role in the elaboration of the
- constitution, although the best minds and experts were also
- involved, you will recall the painstaking work, but, of course,
- it was the president's initiative and it is the president's
- constitution, just as the De Gaulle constitution in France, let
- us say, or the Jefferson constitution in the United States and
- there is nothing special about it, nor does it signify any sort
- of authoritarianism--it is a natural situation. A president
- legitimately elected by the whole of the people favors the
- construction of Russian statehood. The constitution has been
- passed, and this is the main thing. It makes our foreign partners
- and us ourselves confident that foreign and internal policy will
- remain the same in its essence--reformist, democratic, open, and
- so on and so forth. Our foreign policy is being made by the
- president; It has been, it is now, and always will be, I would
- like to stress this. Naturally, we want the Duma, the Federal
- Assembly as a whole, and the parties and individual deputies who
- come to work in it to contribute to the strengthening of the
- foreign policy of the Russian state, but its fundamentals, its
- fundamental policy will remain the same because it is being made
- by the president.
- </p>
- <p> The presidential mandate is incontrovertible. In the space
- of two years the president in fact received his third vote of
- confidence from all the people--here I mean the vote for the
- constitution--and, incidentally, in the course of the election
- campaign the main principles of the foreign policy were not
- questioned, if you ignore perfectly irresponsible statements
- which their authors are already repudiating with the same ease
- with which they made these irresponsible statements, having so
- frightened the world which has apparently still failed to
- distinguish between serious politicians with serious programs
- and, forgive me here, the jester-cum-buffoon types.
- </p>
- <p> That is the way it appears, because these people, or this
- person immediately made a statement completely contradicting
- what was said before. Well, that is what they are worth, these
- statements, the ones made before and, evidently, the ones made
- later. It is difficult to consider them seriously, although we
- will, of course, take account of the spectrum of views voiced in
- the Duma on the part of all sorts of parties and individual
- deputies.
- </p>
- <p> [Correspondent] Andrey Vladimirovich Kozyrev, it's
- understood that, according to the new constitution, it's the
- president and the government who design and carry out foreign
- policy, but parliament, of course, cannot and should not be
- detached from our foreign affairs. Yet, you have already said,
- and everyone knows that some leaders of the opposition who gained
- the upper hand in the elections just now have very original
- views on the subject of international affairs.
- </p>
- <p> [Kozyrev] To begin with I would ask: What would we want
- from the new parliament? What does the country, the state,
- require from it? What do I, personally, as a representative of a
- party bloc, or as a deputy from Murmansk Oblast, require and
- what does the country require? The country needs stronger
- legislation pertaining to those foreign policy matters, those
- foreign policy problems with which we are permanently occupied:
- for example, protection of the Russian-speaking population in
- countries near our borders [v blizhnem zarubezhye], as they say,
- that is, in the republics of the former Soviet Union. This is an
- acutely difficult problem. No easy answers or easy approaches
- will do, like: everything has been transformed into a guberniya
- [pre-1918 administrative district], so the Russian-speaking
- population is protected. This, on the contrary, works against the
- Russian-speaking population. Why? Because it causes an even
- greater explosion in those areas where there is already
- nationalism, or in many cases simply causes offense, you
- understand, and then you get people showing that strange desire
- to prove that they fear no one. It all spills over into anger,
- indignation and so on against the very Russian-speaking
- population that was supposed to be protected by these heroic
- statements.
- </p>
- <p> I would advise those leaders who make such easy statements
- about former Soviet republics to visit them themselves and live
- somewhere for a week after making such a statement, but I do not
- mean they should do this surrounded by soldiers, by their own
- bodyguards, or under the protection of Russian servicemen--who
- serve so heroically in the most difficult conditions in many
- places, like Tajikistan, Georgia, and so on, and the
- Transdniester--I mean simply to live as the ordinary Russian
- population does. The ordinary Russian population does not live
- behind tanks, you understand, or behind barbed wire, but in
- normal conditions. Their children attend school. People go to
- work. If the leader who made the irresponsible statement were
- himself to go to work and listen to what his colleagues say--the
- Kazakhs, the Uzbeks with whom he would have to work, and with
- whom people in fact do work with no problems in many cases,
- thank God. We should help such people to continue to work without
- problems, not have people point at others, saying: You hate us;
- you want us again to be a dependent people, and so on. This, you
- understand, is pure provocation.
- </p>
- <p> Now can the Duma, or the whole parliament, in actual fact
- take part in settling this issue? It can and it is obliged to!
- And very concrete measures must be applied. Thank God that the
- current constitution--which is in force now, which has been
- passed--thank God there is an article in it which stipulates
- clearly that there will be dual citizenship in Russia. This means
- that we can now approach our partners to conclude agreements on
- granting dual citizenship. this would represent protection for
- the Russian-speaking population.
- </p>
- <p> If a Russian, an ethnic Russian, or a Russian-speaker,
- someone who feels close to Russia--there are Uzbeks and Kazakhs
- and Kyrgyz who consider themselves in essence Russian-speakers;
- you understand the position--if all of these people, or some of
- them, wish to have Russian citizenship as well as Kyrgyz,
- Kazakh, or Uzbek citizenship, of course they will be under the
- protection of the Russian state, they will have the rights and
- so on. People want this.
- </p>
- <p> Our so-called patriots and national-patriots loved waxing
- lyrical on this theme in the former Supreme Soviet--how many
- speeches were made, how many accusations against the Foreign
- Ministry and so on--but they never got down to passing a law
- which would allow people to receive Russian citizenship when it
- would mean dual nationality for those living in the states of the
- former Soviet Union and, by the way, many people in more distant
- countries wish to receive dual nationality. These include our
- writers who emigrated and some businessmen including those
- wanting to do business in Russia, people who left perhaps a
- couple of generations or one generation ago. These are also
- Russian people, Russians. They feel goodwill for the country.
- Why can they not have dual citizenship?
- </p>
- <p> Thus they waxed lyrical for two years, they accused the
- president and me, personally, of every mortal sin but they did
- not pass a law. The Foreign Ministry, however, on its part, put
- forward to the president a proposal, a draft for such law, which
- was drawn up by the best legal minds, and underwent scrutiny by
- world experts. We submitted this draft law to the president. The
- president sent it to the former Supreme Soviet. The former
- Supreme Soviet, I suppose, did not even notice that the president
- had submitted such a draft.
- </p>
- <p> Well, the draft law is ready. If the Duma, instead of
- waxing lyrical on this theme, instead of making provocative
- threats which will only cause additional annoyance and so on,
- simply gets on with adopting this law--of course debating all
- its aspects and subjecting it to criticism and so on, but using
- it as a basis to resolve this task--we shall be making a huge
- step towards in supporting the Russian-speaking population.
- </p>
- <p> I will give you a second example. The same irresponsible
- source, the same leader, who said during the election campaign
- that we will show everyone, we will force them all, etc.--those
- were the sorts of expression. Well, how can one now restore the
- former Soviet Union, and how can one turn all the republics into
- provinces [gubernii], even if we wanted to? Incidentally, I am
- not sure that that is our aim, since there are a great many
- questions here. Do we need that? But even if we did want that,
- for the sake of argument, by what means could it be done? Only
- by one means: force. In other words, troops, tanks, and so on
- have to be sent in.
- </p>
- <p> Yesterday, literally yesterday, this same leader declared,
- without batting an eyelid, that we would be removing all troops,
- and not a single Russian soldier would be anywhere in the
- countries of the former USSR and he even, in effect, dissociated
- himself from those countries and from our republics. Now listen, those
- are, after all, two demagogic extremes. On the one hand, we
- either send in troops and restore the Soviet Union, or we all
- leave and abandon everything as though it had nothing to do with
- us, as though links had not been established through the
- centuries with those republics, as though we had no economic
- interests there, although in many cases the shutdown of
- factories there would lead to a situation in which we couldn't do
- anything here either.
- </p>
- <p> What is more, that leader and people who argue casually in
- that vein--there are a lot of politicians like that,
- incidentally--has now completely forgotten that there are
- millions of Russian-speakers living there, whose lives sometimes
- depend directly on the Russian peacekeeping forces, but the
- Russian forces should not be occupation forces, not imperial
- forces; they should be peacekeeping forces--blue helmets, if you
- like. In other words, doing what they are doing now, and I say
- nothing about the contempt, the snobbery, the--I'm
- sorry--impudence towards those servicemen, Russian officers and
- men, who are already paying with their lives for that
- peacekeeping mission on the Tajik-Afghan border.
- </p>
- <p> I do not know whether those who argue in that way have been
- there. Many of these critics spend their time in the United
- States. Many spend their time making speeches on television, and
- so on. I have been there many times recently, on the
- Tajik-Afghan border, in all the conflict areas, and today
- hundreds of our officers and men, Russians, citizens of Russia,
- are operating in all the conflict areas. Sometimes they are
- killed, sometimes they are wounded. Incidentally, diplomats work
- hand-in-glove with them in all the hotspots. Not just the
- minister, but dozens of diplomats have given up their receptions
- and their office work for work in the field, under fire.
- Recently, there was the well-known case of Kazimirov, who came
- under fire on the Armenian border, and so on. In other words,
- that is where the real-life work to ensure Russian interests is
- today, in those conditions, and we have no right to leave there.
- </p>
- <p> Then again, let us return to parliament, to what parliament
- might have done and ought to have done. It is the same old
- story. From the very beginning, as soon as the CIS was formed and
- Russia became an independent state, we in the Ministry of
- Foreign Affairs together with the military prepared a draft law
- on the peacekeeping actions of the Russian troops which was
- studied by international experts and so on--not on someone's
- instructions, but because we wanted to make use of international
- experience in this field. Naturally, these forces were to be
- used first of all in the near abroad, but not only there--we
- have our battalion serving in Yugoslavia at this moment--and this
- is our current, concrete contribution towards the defense of
- Yugoslavia and the settlement of the Yugoslav conflict, and so
- on: 800 men altogether, all of them Russian soldiers and
- officers. I went there too. There is occasional shooting there,
- even in the area where they are deployed. No one is crying there,
- no one is engaged in heroic posturing. They just serve, in the
- Russian way, they are doing their job, and all the time these
- people here were just engaged in idle talk. These people were
- talking like this for two years, but have managed neither to
- adopt this law nor even to discuss it in the committees--either
- in the committee for international issues, which used to enjoy
- calling me up for questioning so much, or in nay other
- committee. Nothing has moved, and I hope that the newly elected
- Federal Assembly will bring together not only people who,
- perhaps having already cooled down after this pre-election
- struggle during which many of them have seriously come to
- believe that politics is indeed a dirty job and decided to start
- their political careers with dirty tricks--you understand, what I
- am trying to say? But I do hope that there will be enough
- sensible people there who will adopt the law on the peacekeeping
- missions and, at long last, create a legal basis for those
- soldiers and officers who are doing their job today, risking
- their lives.
- </p>
- <p> [Correspondent] Andrey Vladimirovich, it is clear that you
- are a diplomat of a highest rank, but is it right to go on using
- such words as you have used several times today: a certain
- leader. Everyone knows already who is this certain leader--it is
- Vladimir Zhirinovskiy who has won the elections, after
- all--however unexpected this was for many people. What is this,
- caution or the unwillingness to get engaged in polemics?
- </p>
- <p> [Kozyrev] You know, if you are interested in what I think
- about Zhirinovskiy--incidentally, I have known him for a very
- long time--yes, Vladimir Volfovich has been legitimately elected,
- his mandate will be as legitimate as the one I will be
- receiving. He can talk to people in the Ministry of Foreign
- Affairs if he is very unclear as to what has to be done. In any
- case, I would like to ask deputies to refrain from the
- statements similar to one he made yesterday. Although, yesterday
- he took back all his aggressive claims to the former USSR
- republics and so on and so forth, he said at the same time that
- we are prepared to have the Kaliningrad Oblast run jointly, as
- far as I understand, by us and the Germans since his next
- sentence sounded something like this: And we will have a joint
- border with Germany there.
- </p>
- <p> Do you understand? I do apologize, but in no case will we
- give up the Kaliningrad Oblast. We have a very clear-cut treaty
- with Germany regarding this matter, which determines present
- borders, and the Kaliningrad Oblast is not something which is
- being questioned. Even in the FRG, even their extremists and
- fascists, recognize this, as far as I know, as being a historic
- reality and do not lay claims to it. It would be very odd,
- indeed, if we now start giving away areas which, I repeat, no one
- is laying claims to. That is why I would ask him to forget it.
- If Vladimir Volfovich needs any consultations in the field of
- political geography, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is prepared
- to give them to him since he is a candidate deputy.
- </p>
- <p> It is a different matter that his statements in my
- view--this is my personal, moral, and political, not a legal
- assessment, but my moral and political assessment--his statements
- verge on utter irresponsibility and, in general reek strongly,
- to put it bluntly, of fascist-style demagogy.
- </p>
- <p> I must say that Hitler, in the past--I am not whipping up
- tension in this case and we really have nothing to fear, but we
- must remember some similarities--did more or less the same in
- Germany in 1933. At first he came out with the totally
- irresponsible question of redrawing all the borders with
- extreme, xenophobic nationalism with its aggressive attitude to
- other peoples. Then after victory at the elections--by the way
- he was victorious in the German elections in 1933--he pursued a
- policy of legitimization. He seemed to dismiss all that had gone
- before, with the same rare smoothness, and it seemed many people
- were reassured. Many people thought: Well, what of it? And by the
- way, in Munich in 1938 when the Western democracies, the Western
- leaders, cut a deal with Hitler, this was probably because he
- played his part and said: No, no, that is just what I said at the
- time--but he never directly renounced this. An when in
- 1941--World War II began in 1939--and when on 22 June 1941 he
- attacked the Soviet Union, then he said: What did I tell you in
- 1932? You understand what this is about?
- </p>
- <p> Therefore, when I meet Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovskiy in
- the Duma or somewhere else I shall not offer to shake his hand,
- at least not until he says, not just smoothly but as a good solid
- man, simply as an honorable man, not even as a politician but
- simply as an honorable man, until he says to me and to those
- around: Yes, I made a few statements during the election
- campaign--well I wanted to be a deputy, I wanted to be a
- leader--I made several irresponsible statements but I have
- renounced them and I have reviewed my position. If he does this,
- I shall be glad and evidently it will be possible to shake hands
- with him and with other people. I think that many of those who
- are members of his party, themselves, have not
- realized...[pauses] Well in any event when we speak about fascism
- or the threat of fascism with reference to this situation, of
- course, we are not referring to those people who voted in this
- instance for Zhirinovskiy.
- </p>
- <p> I think that this is a very complex phenomenon--the way
- people voted. it is possible that they voted against many
- things, including our own mistakes, especially, organizational
- mistakes made during the election campaign. I myself had dropped
- out of the central election campaign during its last stages
- because of my workload and should admit that I bear certain
- responsibility for this, since I was one of the leaders and one
- of the founding members of the Russia's Choice. I was too
- engrossed in my own campaign in Murmansk, my constituency, as
- well as some foreign policy matters, and so on. Therefore, I
- cannot deny that I also bear a certain share of
- responsibility--and it seems that everybody else was just as
- busy. Yegor Timurovich Gaydar was busy dealing with various
- economic issues, and many others were too busy as well. We
- should have been paying more attention to the mainstream
- election campaign and not leave the field to others.
- </p>
- <p>In reality, all these theses are nothing but empty words. A
- whole range of simply astonishing myths is being spread about. I
- can tell you exactly what the real situation is like with, for
- example, the Indian cryogenic engines. I know that our Aleksandr
- Semenovich [not further identified] and, I think, Vladimir
- Volfovich as well as many others are now returning to this
- question. There is a myth being spread to the effect that we
- have revoked a profitable multibillion deal with India on
- instruction from America. Well, let us recall this story. The
- whole deal, first of all, was worth $300 million. Not all that
- much, anyway. Second, 84 percent of this deal has already been
- honored and it will be completed in full. there is only one
- obstacle for as far as the last 16 percent of this order is
- concerned--and you can imagine how much this comes to out of 300
- million, it is pennies as far as international deals go. The
- matter is that we indeed to not wish to pass on the missile
- technology although we are prepared to send them blocks already
- assembled by ourselves. In other words, to give them what India
- needs for a purpose of launching a cryogenic powered missile.
- But this technology can have be used for other purposes.
- </p>
- <p> The cryogenic engines in question are not used for carrying
- nuclear or other weapons for military purpose. But exactly the same technology can be used to create
- combat missiles. And what Russian interests do we have here and
- what are the interests of the United States? Any man who knows
- his geography will see by looking at the map that creating a
- missile potential in Asia will create potential threat to
- Russia--I am speaking only of potential threat, of a possibility.
- An so, the threat of these missiles striking Russia, including
- Moscow, is far more serious, due to Russia being much closer,
- than the threat of them striking Washington or other U.S. cities
- where they have to cover the distance of thousands of miles
- across the ocean. Here is your answer.
- </p>
- <p> Apart from that, unfortunately there are states here that
- traditionally have conflicting relations with India. We are
- doing our best to see that they are good, but there are
- well-known disagreements between India and Pakistan. There are
- also other states, Islamic states, many of which are also located
- in areas of conflict. Do we need these countries to possess
- missiles? Many of them are on the threshold. We are struggling
- to see that they do not furnish themselves with nuclear weapons.
- </p>
- <p> So, they are our neighbors. They are the neighbors of
- Russia. They are the neighbors of the CIS, and so it is a matter
- of concern to us that it should not happen there. If India can,
- then why not Pakistan as well? You see the point? So we are in
- favor of stiffening, of strengthening the regime for the
- nonproliferation of missiles and missile technology. India
- understands us perfectly well. We have splendid relations with
- India. Boris Nikolayevich has been on a visit there. Highly
- important documents have been signed there. Economic cooperation
- is developing between us. We have no problems with India over
- this deal. That's the myth about the Indian deal, you see. There
- are lots of myths like that. I hope that the new parliament will
- have ears to hear, as Jesus Christ said: Those that have ears,
- let them hear.
- </p>
- <p>[Correspondent] It is not a secret to you or anyone, that
- Russia has been in a somewhat panicky mood over the last two
- days. A shattering defeat for democracy. A fascist plague is
- coming. A catastrophe, well nigh civil war, is approaching. As
- far as I can judge by your words, you do not share this point of
- view.
- </p>
- <p>[Kozyrev] No, I do not share this point of view. I do not
- share a panicky mood. The situation on the whole is far from
- panicky--the economic situation, Russia's prestige in the world.
- You know, people are trying to suggest to the population and
- many other people, trying to present their inferiority complex
- and their ignorance---as in the case with the Indian deal--as
- their patriotism and their concern for the Motherland. In actual
- fact they are not patriots. A patriot, above all, is confident of
- himself. Such an enormous country as Russia...[pauses] I cannot
- understand this at all, where it is coming from, what for, and
- who has invented that we should be afraid of anyone, that we
- cannot live in the surrounding world, that we cannot be partners
- with other states and dispute our interests at the same time?
- This simply means that people don't really know their own
- country. They don't even know what great potential we have.
- </p>
- <p>Yet again, I would like to say the following: We have the
- constitution of a democratic state. We have the president who
- has received his mandate three times in two years. There is no
- other president like him in the whole world. Yeltsin fully
- guarantees the continuation of the policy of reforms. We have
- the government. We have the chairman of the government, Viktor
- Stepanovich Chernomyrdin. We have a normal country which is
- developing. Yes, Vladimir Volfovich has been elected. Perhaps, he
- himself feels that he has gone too far and therefore started
- talking (?differently). It is a pity that he is doing it so
- frivolously. One would like to see that the man, let's say, has
- been thinking for a week, gets acquainted with some documents,
- and then changes his point of view. Certainly, it is not nice
- that we will have such deputies who are saying one thing today
- and literally the opposite the next day.
- </p>
- <p> A threat of fascism? Yes, it does exist. We have always
- been saying this. The threat does exist and, unfortunately,
- there are some features in Zhirinovskiy's behavior today, let's
- face it, which even remind us of the behavior of some leaders in
- Germany in 1933. Yes, but this is a complete nonsense that this
- pest will now spread all over the country, that we must panic and
- therefore keep silent, that we must get frightened, let others
- intimidate us and terrorize us.
- </p>
- <p>I think we will get away with an inoculation. This is rather
- like an inoculation when the temperature goes up. This is very
- good that there has been such a reaction in society to the
- inoculation--the voting results--when the temperature has gone
- up quickly. This is a very good indication. It means the body is
- healthy and it has a normal reaction to a pest. High temperature,
- mobilization of immunoprotection mechanisms, is a normal
- reaction.
- </p>
- <p>Therefore I think we should see a danger. We should mobilize
- ourselves on an antifascist basis. We need an antifascist front,
- if you want. On an antifascist basis we are prepared to
- cooperate: for example, I am prepared to cooperate with any
- parties and movements in the new Federal Assembly, in particular
- and especially, with the Communists. Incidentally, communists
- have always been against fascism. We can look differently at our
- communist past in the Soviet Union, but nobody can take away the
- fact that communists were fighting against fascism in the World
- War II, communists in Europe, France, Yugoslavia, Poland and
- everywhere. It would be strange indeed if the Communists were to
- stand aside from antifascist movement.
- </p>
- <p>We can also cooperate on many other issues, if the Communists,
- for example, are really interested in protecting the rights of
- the Russian-speaking population, and I think it is quite
- possible. We might disagree with the communists on the issue of
- the economic reform. Some of us want it to be more liberal while
- the others want it to be done centrally. But as regards the
- protection of the Russian-speaking population, I think we can
- cooperate with the Communists. I think they will help us and vote
- for adopting a law, if, of course, they do have some beliefs and
- not a purely demagogical approach.
- </p>
- <p>That is, I do not think that the so-called opposition in the
- Federal Assembly will immediately start flatly blocking
- everything. Yes, there will be issues on which there will be
- great and serious disagreements. But I also hope that there will
- be issues, inter alia in the field of foreign policy, where not
- interparty squabbles as regards who is in the opposition and who
- is in power but the interests of Russia and its people will get
- the upper hand.
- </p>
- <p>This is absolutely obvious that it is in our interests to have
- a law on dual citizenship. It is in our interests to have a law
- on the involvement of peace-making forces. I can mention dozens
- of such laws. We need a civil code. We need to protect
- investments. This is also a non-party, if you want, and purely
- economical issue. And so on and so forth.
- </p>
- <p> I do not think we should panic. I do not think we should
- give up for lost the Federal Assembly. It will convene.
- </p>
- <p> I would like to repeat the following: If Zhirinovskiy
- continues to behave frivolously, if he carries on making fascist
- statements, I will not shake hands with him. We agreed on this at
- the meeting of the Russia's Choice bloc yesterday. If he gives
- up his fascist statements publicly, clearly, like an honest and
- solid man, and maintains his other disagreements, including
- moreover a demand for my resignation as he is doing now--and
- this is his sacred right--there will be no problems.
- </p>
- <p>[Correspondent] Thank you very much.
- </p>
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- </article>
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